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The Chef

Dayna  was born in the rolling countryside in New Zealand and enjoyed a life connected to the land, animals and her local community. While nowadays we are surrounded by fastfood and takeaway options as well as packaged and processed ’convenience’ foods, this wasn’t the case for Dayna and her family (or the town).

Her parents home cooked all of their meals and grew produce to sustain themselves. It was just the way things were! 


When Dayna was 9 years old, she saw her Grandfather suffer and pass from illness that she  intuitively knew to be correlated to his lifestyle factors. Heart broken by the pain and loss, this determined young girl had begun her quest to know and share true natural health began. 


Literally, driven by the desire to help those she loves live forever, at the age of 14 Dayna began to borrow books from the library about fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, vitamins and minerals. She would take notes, transcribing and learning which vitamins and minerals were in which foods and what they do for the body. 


Dayna continued this practice until she turned 19, when she went on to ‘officially’ study herbal medicine. As she phrases it, here she learned how to use the things that grow in the garden as medicine. 


As her path continued, Dayna became a personal trainer at one stage owning her own gym and also had a raw vegan food caravan cafe before the “Raw Vegan" movement had really begun in Brisbane. 


At this point Dayna had spent her life learning about the medicinal properties of raw foods  including herbs, spices, fruit, veges, nuts and seeds and how powerful they are at healing the body. She opened the van because she wanted to provide a cafe where people could buy

‘normal’ food but was completely raw and nourishing for the body. Being among the first 2 cafes of this type in Brisbane, she received a lot of apprehension from passers by! 


Prior to Pacha Yumma, Dayna was private cheffing for 3 families per week but was being inundated with requests from others who had become aware of her immense talken and delicious food! 


Knowing there must be a way to serve more families, Pacha Yumma was born into existence.


The Mission


Pacha yumma exists to provide regenerative healing, plant based food to families and people who are seeking a solution that will allow their body to thrive.


The Pacha Yumma team believes in the innate healing power of the body and they prepare this food to allow you to thrive and live your best life. No matter what others have told you about your conditions or wellbeing.


Delicious, nutritious, healthy and regenerative meals

About Pacha Yumma


Pacha Yumma is more than a meal delivery service. We are unequivocal about producing the highest quality plant based meals but it’s our why that drives us to do this week in week out for you. 


It is our belief that the body is a true miracle with its own innate intelligence and the ability to heal itself given the right conditions. 

Think about it, when you are young and you get a cut, you put a bandaid on and let it do it’s thing. You don’t sit and worry about whether the body will know what to do to heal. 


Now let’s take that big picture. The body is an ecosystem and wants to thrive, it wants to heal. We are here to support you in creating the right conditions so that it may do so. 


Our meals will help you restore and maintain balance so that you may live a happy, healthy, vibrant and long life. 


At Pacha Yumma we believe in sustainable, seasonal living in harmony with the land.

Our passionate team is based on the Gold Coast. In a nutshell you could say we are embodied foodies, planet lovers, intuitive chefs and creatives.


The Pacha Yumma menu is refreshed at the start of every month to keep things fresh for your taste buds and forever changing with the seasons.  


We always source seasonal local produce and collect fruits and vegetables from the local markets and suppliers to ensure we access the most plentiful harvest throughout the seasons.


What are our values?


  • Ethical

  • Sustainable

  • Natural

  • Healing 

  • Made with love

  • Alkalizing

  • Intuitive

  • Waste Free

  • Spray Free - why mess with mother nature?  

  • Nourishing. 


Our values are our passion and our vision is to offer planet and body friendly foods that will nourish and heal YOU from the inside out.

Our Dishes

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